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Seminario: «Emotional communication with cochlear implants»

Monita Chatterjee, doctora en neurociencias y directora del laboratorio de percepción y prótesis auditivas del Hospital Nacional de Investigación Boys Town de Nebraska, estará con nosotros para ofrecer el III Seminario INCYL de este curso 2021/2022 el próximo viernes día 3 de diciembre a las 12:00 horas en el salón de actos del Instituto.

  As a neural prosthesis, the cochlear implant (CI) has achieved phenomenal success in restoring speech communication to patient worldwide. The electrical stimuli transmitted by the device, however  does not relay sound information with sufficient resolution in the frequency or in the time domains to support the perception of complex harmonic pitch (i.e., the pitch of the human voice, or of musica instruments, birdsong, etc). Thus, CI patients show significant impairments in the perception of music, as well as in the ability to correctly identify pitch-dominant prosodic cues in speech. These prosodic cues are crucial for the perception of the emotion in a talker’s voice. Deficits in vocal emotion perception have been linked to reduced quality of life in both children and adults with CIs. Pediatric CI recipients also show deficits in the ability to communicate emotions in their production of speech prosody. In this presentation, I will describe our work on the communication of emotional prosody by CI patients.

Monita Chatterjee, doctora en neurociencias acude a seminario incyl

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